Ever the comparatist, Piero Boitani reflects on his expansive academic journey, which spans from antiquity and medieval literature in England and Europe, through philology, to 20th-century African American literature in the US and world literature.
Skinner reflects on his intellectual path over the past twenty years, from theorizing a third concept of freedom, to reconstructing the concept of State and defending it in our normative discourse against oversimplifying theorizers of the «death of the State», to the crisis of contemporary democracies.
François Rosset and Michel Porret
The authors reflect on philosophical historian Bronisław Baczko’s research project (2011 Balzan Prize), Dictionnaire critique de l’utopie au temps des Lumières, an embodiment of his conception of utopia and a complex view of the socio-political and literary culture of the era of the Philosophes.
Research project
Nussbaum’s Capabilities Approach is the framework for a philosophical and practical exploration of animal rights. Selected scholars in global philosophy and law will contribute articles, present papers at a 2024-25 conference, and produce a final volume.
Video link to Martha C. Nussbaum’s account of her career during the 2022 Balzan Prizewinners Forum at the Accademia dei Lincei.