History of sciences and ideas
Lorraine Daston
“Yesterday’s scientific truth is today’s scientific error.” Daston’s statement underlies her work as a historian of science, emphasizing the contrast between the philosophical pursuit of eternal reason and the dynamic nature of scientific progress.
Law and rights
John Braithwaite
Because crime hurts, justice should heal: restorative justice involves all stakeholders in an injustice to listen, discuss, and agree on actions to make things right. Braithwaite, a champion in this field, explains its workings.
Social sciences
Robert O. Keohane
Keohane reflects on major aspects of his work, from world politics and economic interdependence, to international institutions and the complexity of international regimes, especially vis-à-vis climate change, the subject of his Balzan research project.
Natural sciences
Dorthe Dahl-Jensen and Johannes (Hans) Oerlemans
Video link to Dorthe Dahl-Jensen and Hans Oerlemans as they give accounts of their careers during the 2022 Balzan Prizewinners Forum at the Accademia dei Lincei.
Philip V. Bohlman
Performance of Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets, Christoph Rilke (music by Viktor Ullmann; prose-poem by Ranier Maria Rilke) by Philip Bohlman (narrator) and Christine Wilkie Bohlman (piano) for the 2022 Forum at the Accademia dei Lincei.
Mathematics, physics, and technology
Robert Langer
Video link to Robert Langer’s account of his career during the 2022 Balzan Prizewinners Forum at the Accademia dei Lincei.
Jeffrey I. Gordon
Jeffrey I. Gordon provides a panoramic synthesis of current human microbiome research and gives an account of how his lab’s work research on gut microbiome development and childhood undernutrition has evolved.
Marilyn Kelly and Giorgio Buccellati
The Buccellatis’ finds from the excavation of Urkesh (4000 BCE) reveal the intricate relationship between artifacts, the dirt they are found in, and the digital tools employed to decipher their meaning.
Mathematics, physics, and technology
Alessandra Buonanno and Thibault Damour
Buonanno and Damour present the field of gravitational-wave astronomy, opened in 2015, 100 years after Einstein’s theory of General Relativity, when gravitational waves were first observed using laser interferometers.
Saul Friedländer
Friedländer reflects on his Holocaust experiences, suggesting that the lessons of history are often overlooked and emphasizing the need for continued exploration of historical evidence to uncover hidden or heretofore unrevealed perspectives.
Philosophy and Letters
Martha C. Nussbaum
Video link to Martha C. Nussbaum’s account of her career during the 2022 Balzan Prizewinners Forum at the Accademia dei Lincei.