
Philosophy and Letters

English August 2024

The authors reflect on philosophical historian Bronisław Baczko’s research project (2011 Balzan Prize), Dictionnaire critique de l’utopie au temps des Lumières, an embodiment of his conception of utopia and a complex view of the socio-political and literary culture of the era of the Philosophes.

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Natural sciences

English May 2024

2022 Prizewinner Hans Oerlemans reports on Balzan excursions he led in Upper Engadine, where participants were able to experience first-hand how glaciers shape the landscape and learn about his research on glaciers, in particular, the MortAlive project.

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History of sciences and ideas

Italian April 2024

Maiani commemorates former Balzan President Enrico Decleva, specialist in contemporary history and Milanese culture. Together they worked intensely to extend the impact of the Balzan beyond academic circles to emphasize interdisciplinary collaboration.   

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History of sciences and ideas

Italian February 2024

Balzan Foundation President Alberto Quadrio Curzio remembers former President Enrico Decleva, recalling their joint efforts to make the Balzan Prize a «system for science and culture» advocating for interdisciplinarity and internationality.

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