DZL’s Balzan Prize supports a cross-disciplinary project investigating the effects of exposure to e-cigarette vapour. Preliminary results show that while e-cigarettes are sold as healthy substitutes of tobacco smoking, ingredients of the vapour contain substances with physiological influence.
Robert O. Keohane
A report on Keohane’s research project’s first two years, highlighting a workshop at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University and reflecting on its experimental mentorship and the achievements of its young scholars.
Luciano Maiani
Maiani commemorates former Balzan President Enrico Decleva, specialist in contemporary history and Milanese culture. Together they worked intensely to extend the impact of the Balzan beyond academic circles to emphasize interdisciplinary collaboration.
Michael Cook
A report on Cook’s project 2021-22, consisting of Zoom meetings, two conferences, and future plans, mainly for the publication of a book series on premodern states. Due to the Covid crisis, the project end-date has been extended to 2027.
Jürgen Osterhammel
Through FRIAS fellowships and workshops at FRIAS and an edited volume, Osterhammel’s project will “rethink” the situation of global history, which remains ambiguous an academic subdiscipline after the past 30 years of expansion.
Dorthe Dahl-Jensen and Johannes (Hans) Oerlemans
The project will employ two postdocs to study ice cores from ice caps near the Arctic Ocean to retrieve proxy records of past ice and climatic conditions. Younger researchers will also engage in workshops and excursions to assess existing data, test glacier models, and formulate a modeling strategy.
Langer’s research project envisions fellowships for four graduate students from Hong Kong, the USA, and the Middle East to do research in biomaterials for nanomedicine and tissue engineering and organize travel symposia to present results.
Martha C. Nussbaum
Nussbaum’s Capabilities Approach is the framework for a philosophical and practical exploration of animal rights. Selected scholars in global philosophy and law will contribute articles, present papers at a 2024-25 conference, and produce a final volume.
Philip V. Bohlman
In a project on sonic encounters in areas of global migration and conflict, young scholars’ research ranging from archival studies to fieldwork with migrant communities will create an interactive digital archive, Musical Topographies of the Borderland.
Thibault Damour
Damour’s project will involve a group of international young scientists and high-level senior scientists in frontier research on some of the key theoretical challenges currently left open in the field of gravitation.
Jeffrey I. Gordon
Gordon’s project aims to finance research projects for young scientists, fostering career development and training programs for icddr,b (International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease, Bangladesh) scientists at Washington University.
Jeffrey I. Gordon
Jeffrey I. Gordon provides a panoramic synthesis of current human microbiome research and gives an account of how his lab’s work research on gut microbiome development and childhood undernutrition has evolved.