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Mathematics, physics, and technology
  • Mathematics, physics, and technology
  • Research project

Thibault Damour

Open Issues in Gravitation

English March 2024

Damour’s project will involve a group of international young scientists and high-level senior scientists in frontier research on some of the key theoretical challenges currently left open in the field of gravitation.

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  • Medicine
  • Research project
English March 2024

Gordon’s project aims to finance research projects for young scientists, fostering career development and training programs for icddr,b (International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease, Bangladesh) scientists at Washington University.

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  • Medicine
  • Forum
English March 2024

Jeffrey I. Gordon provides a panoramic synthesis of current human microbiome research and gives an account of how his lab’s work research on gut microbiome development and childhood undernutrition has evolved.

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Mathematics, physics, and technology
  • Mathematics, physics, and technology
  • Research project
English March 2024

Buonanno’s project is on the history of the two-body problem in General Relativity (approx. analytical solutions, interface with numerical relativity, analytical/numerical relativity methods in LIGO’s and Virgo’s 2015 discovery of gravitational waves).

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  • History
  • Research project
English March 2024

The Buccellatis’ Balzan Research Project Cybernetica Mesopotamica will use “digital discourse” to create model websites on their Urkesh excavations that will serve as a new epistemic system in parallel with printed publications.

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  • History
  • Forum
English March 2024

The Buccellatis’ finds from the excavation of Urkesh (4000 BCE) reveal the intricate relationship between artifacts, the dirt they are found in, and the digital tools employed to decipher their meaning.

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  • History
  • Research project
English March 2024

Friedländer’s Balzan Research Project, extends his work on the Holocaust, seeking to transform how scholars approach bystanders in genocide by analyzing egodocuments for a nuanced understanding.

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Mathematics, physics, and technology
  • Mathematics, physics, and technology
  • Forum
English March 2024

Buonanno and Damour present the field of gravitational-wave astronomy, opened in 2015, 100 years after Einstein’s theory of General  Relativity, when gravitational waves were first observed using laser interferometers.

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  • History
  • Forum
Italian March 2024

Friedländer reflects on his Holocaust experiences, suggesting that the lessons of history are often overlooked and emphasizing the need for continued exploration of historical evidence to uncover hidden or heretofore unrevealed perspectives.

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Natural sciences
  • Natural sciences
  • Essays
English February 2024

The research of Lima and the Kondorosi team on NCR peptides influencing bacteroid differentiation and nitrogen fixation may find ways to improve crop efficiency and develop antimicrobial agents for therapeutic and agricultural uses.

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History of sciences and ideas
  • History of sciences and ideas
  • Events
Italian February 2024

Balzan Foundation President Alberto Quadrio Curzio remembers former President Enrico Decleva, recalling their joint efforts to make the Balzan Prize a «system for science and culture» advocating for interdisciplinarity and internationality.

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Philosophy and Letters
  • Philosophy and Letters
  • Forum

Martha C. Nussbaum

Career Narrative

English November 2022

Video link to Martha C. Nussbaum’s account of her career during the 2022 Balzan Prizewinners Forum at the Accademia dei Lincei.

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